See GAMES section for samples of marketing through games.

See ANIMATION section for samples of Left Brain Games, Inc. animation capabilities.


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Why are companies marketing their products using Advergaming?

Wikipedia definition: ADVERGAMING

Advergaming is the practice of using games, particularly computer games, to advertise or promote a product, organization or viewpoint.

Advergaming normally falls into one of two categories. In the first a company provides interactive games on its web site in the hope that potential customers will be drawn to the game and spend more time on the web site, or simply become more product aware. The games themselves usually feature the company's products prominently.

The marketplace for Advergaming has been growing and is projected to grow over the next 5 years.

"The Yankee Group forecasted advertising in games is expected to rise to $800 million in 2009 from nearly $120 million in 2004.

$266 Million, or more than one-third of advertising in games in 2009, will come from "advergaming," when advertisers create a game around a product rather than place their brands within a well-known title, according to Yankee Group senior analyst Mike Goodman at the Advertising In Games Forum." 1

Using games to inform a target audience has many benefits. First, the games themselves are designed to attract the attention of the target demographic. The marketing message becomes secondary to the fun factor. Much like commercials on TV, an online player can accept a commerical message in exchange for an engaging experience, as long as the advertisement does not overwhelm the game. Making your product a fun part of the experience will leave the player with a positive impression of your product as well as your company. Many companies know that just making the world aware of your product is difficult enough, but leaving them with a good feeling is even more valuable.

Attracting potential customers to your website is difficult. Making your message rise above the static of the internet will take more than glorified whack-a-mole. It takes experience. An auto insurance company can profit from a game that teaches about their low rates with a bumper car simulation. A micro brew company can advertise their entire product line with Texas Holdem, slot machines, or bottle cap games. Ideas that tie your products to fun experience are the newest and most powerful tool available.

Left Brain Games, Inc. has been producing interactive entertainment for the internet for over 5 years. Our staff has a combined multimedia experience of 50 years developing games and educational materials.

We can start with an existing advertising campaign and create games that enhace your message. We can help a client to develop a new promotional campign. We can rework an existing game with your product information in a cost effective manner.

For information on pricing, capabilites, and availability contact:

 Andrew Keplinger
1-(860) 921-5611

1 Advertising in Games Forum, NY, NY 2005

Left Brain Games, Inc.
1-(860) 921-5611